Four ways to get your news story in front of the right people

Is your website full of genius projects and exciting news stories that you think are important because they show prospects what you do and how well you do it? Hopefully, the answer is a resounding YES.

So, how do you make sure the widest possible audience gets to read about you?

One way of doing this is to capture each story, achievement or development in a news release and send it to the publications you and your customers most respect. As long as you make sure your press release meets the following four check points all will be well.

1) Content

Why is your new release worth reading? Stories that you wish to share with the media need to be newsworthy. Here are a few ideas on what types of news should be shared with your audience:

  • The launch of new products/updates to existing products – what problem do these new things solve?
  • The unveiling of new offices – how does this benefit the local community?
  • The introduction of new partnerships/collaborations – what does this mean to jobs?
  • The recruitment – but only if it’s a genuinely interesting appointment, unusual or ingenious in any way.
  • The award of contracts, prizes or any official recognitions you may receive – what impact does this have on the lives of the people involved?

Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and think what would they really be interested in reading about – and write it with that in mind.

2) Specific Media Contacts

Ensure that you send your news story to the right people, using “named” editorial contacts where possible. Sending your news to the relevant people demonstrates that you have done your research – bombarding reporters and editors with news that isn’t relevant to them makes them less inclined to publish any future relevant material from you.

3) Images/Video

This is CRITICAL. Use images to bring your news release to life and wherever possible use engaging content such as video to peak your audiences’ interest. Always use good quality images (a photo of a member of staff taken on an iPhone doesn’t always work!) Try to remember that your images need to be a high resolution for magazines and compressed versions can be used for websites.


The final touch for your news release is an attention grabbing headline. This is the first thing a reader sees so it needs to be short, impactful and informative. Reporters and editors receive untold amounts of news, make sure your headline demands their attention.

Our step-by-step guide to creating and optimising your news release is available to download free here.

If you would like further advice on news releases or any other B2B PR activity to help boost your company profile, contact Lorraine Emmett or drop us an e-mail we’d be happy to help.